The Mississippi Encyclopedia
5 contributors - Hardback
Ted Ownby, Oxford, Mississippi, director of the Center for the Study of Southern Culture, is professor of history and southern studies at the University of Mississippi as well as author and editor of multiple works of southern history.
Charles Reagan Wilson, Oxford, Mississippi, recently retired as the Kelly Gene Cook Chair of History and Southern Studies at the University of Mississippi and is the author of multiple works of southern history and general editor of The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture.
Ann J. Abadie, Oxford, Mississippi, was associate director of the Center for the Study of Southern Culture at the University of Mississippi and coeditor of numerous scholarly collections from the Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha Conference.
Odie Lindsey, Nashville, Tennessee, teaches at Vanderbilt University and is author of We Come to Our Senses and other works of fiction.
James G. Thomas, Jr, Oxford, Mississippi, is associate director for publications at the Center for the Study of Southern Culture, the editor of multiple works on southern literature, and was managing editor of The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture.