O Rufus Lovett Author

O. Rufus Lovett is a nationally acclaimed photographer and author of the book Weeping Mary. His work has received recognition from the prestigious Alfred Eisenstaedt Awards for Outstanding Magazine Photography. In addition to teaching photography at Kilgore College, Lovett works as a fine art and editorial photographer. His photo essays have appeared in Texas Monthly (which first published his Rangerettes photographs), American Photo, Photo Review, LensWork, People, and Gourmet. He has also been profiled in Southern Living.

Elliott Erwitt is an internationally renowned photographer who has been a member of the Magnum Agency since 1953. His introduction to the Rangerettes came by way of an assignment from Paris Match magazine to document Texas culture in the aftermath of the Kennedy assassination. What he found led him eventually to produce the widely viewed Rangerettes documentary "Beauty Knows No Pain." His recent books include Unseen and Personal Best.

Katy Vine is a Senior Editor at Texas Monthly, in which she has covered the Kilgore Rangerettes. Her work has appeared in Best American Sports Writing 2005, Best American Sports Writing 2006, the Oxford American, the Texas Observer, and on the radio program This American Life.