Emerging Trends in Cybersecurity Applications
4 contributors - Hardback
Kevin Daimi received his Ph.D. from the University of Cranfield, England. He has a long academic and industry experience. His research interests include Computer and Network Security with emphasis on vehicle network security, Software Engineering, Data Science, and Computer Science and Software Engineering Education. He has published a number of papers on vehicle security. He is the editor of three books in cybersecurity; Computer and Network Security Essentials, Innovation in Cybersecurity Education, and Advances in Cybersecurity Management which were published by Springer. He has been chairing the annual International Conference on Security and Management (SAM) since 2012. He is also Program Chair of the 2022 International Conference on Innovations in Computing Research (ICR’22), Athens, Greece. Kevin is a Senior Member of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), and a Fellow of the British Computer Society (BCS). He is the recipient of the Outstanding Achievement Award from the 2010 World Congress in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, and Applied Computing (WORLDCOMP’10) in Recognition and Appreciation of his Leadership, Service and Research Contributions to the Field of Network Security. He is currently Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and Software Engineering at the University of Detroit Mercy.
Ioanna Dionysiou is a Professor of Computer Science at University of Nicosia. She is currently the Associate head of the Department of Computer Science. Dionysiou received her PhD from Washington State University (2006) and during her graduate studies she held teaching and research assistant appointments. Her PhD dissertation work investigated trust requirements and challenges for large-scale infrastructures, with an exemplary infrastructure being the US Electric Power Grid. Dionysiou’s research focuses on active defenses, privacy, applied security standards, multidisciplinary security practices, and cybercrime. She is the co-director of the Informatics Security Laboratory (ISL) at University of Nicosia, which aims on devising new techniques to detect cyberattacks by analyzing attack patterns and visualizing attack attempts in an intuitive manner. She is member of various boards, including the Cyprus ECSC (European Cyber Security Challenge) Advisory Board. She has participated in locally funded and European-funded research projects.
Nour El Madhoun received her Master’s degree in Networks/Computer Science from Sorbonne Université/Télécom ParisTech in 2014, and her Ph.D. degree in Cybersecurity/Computer Science from Sorbonne Université in 2018. In 2019, she joined ISEP - Engineering School, Paris, as an Associate Professor of Cybersecurity in addition to overseeing the engineering cycle - Digital Security and Networks. In 2018, Nour gained industry experience through working in a post-doctoral researcher at Orange Labs. At Sorbonne Université, she became an ATER in 2017. From 2020 to 2022, Nour joined, EPITA Engineering school in Paris, as an Associate Professor of Cybersecurity and Blockchain. Her current research focuses on network security, cryptographic protocols, EMV payment, NFC technology, and blockchain and smart-contracts technologies. Nour is currently an Associate Professor of Computer Science, Cybersecurity and Blockchain at ISEP - Engineering School in Paris. She is also an Associate Researcher at Sorbonne Université (LIP6-PHARE Team).