The Correctional Community
3 contributors - Hardback
Norman Fenton, PhD, is a professor of risk information management at Queen Mary London University and the chief executive officer of Agena, a company that specializes in risk management for critical systems. He is renowned for his work in software engineering and software metrics. His current projects focus on using Bayesian methods of analysis to risk assessment. He has published 6 books and more than 140 refereed articles and has provided consulting to many major companies worldwide.
James M. Bieman, PhD, is a professor of computer science at Colorado State University, where he was the founding director of the Software Assurance Laboratory. His research focuses on the evaluation of software designs and processes, including ways to test nontestable software, techniques that support automated software repair, and the relationships between internal design attributes and external quality attributes. He serves on the editorial boards of the Software Quality Journal and the Journal of Software and Systems Modeling.