Nora Turato Author

Nora Turato was born in 1991 in Zagreb, Croatia, and presently lives and works in Amsterdam. The artist received her BFA from Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, in 2013, and her MFA from Werkplaats Typografie, Arnhem, the Netherlands, in 2016.

Ebony L. Haynes is a writer and curator from Toronto. She is based in New York, where she is a director at David Zwirner. Haynes has previously held positions as visiting curator and critic at Yale School of Art in the Painting and Printmaking program, and director at Martos Gallery and Shoot The Lobster NY & LA. Haynes sits on the boards of Artists Space and the New Art Dealers Alliance. She also runs an online “school” that offers free professional practice classes to Black students worldwide.

Anna Kats is a Curatorial Assistant in the Department of Architecture and Design at the Museum of Modern Art, New York.