Dogs and Their Humans
Noel Fitzpatrick - Hardback
Noel Fitzpatrick is the Head of Research at the College of Arts and Tourism at Technological University Dublin, Ireland, and the Dean of the Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media. He is regularly invited to speak at, and host, seminars internationally and is visiting lecturer at Saint Lucas University, Antwerp, Belgium. Noel is a member of Ars Industrialis, (Founded by Bernard Stiegler) and is a founding member of the Digital Studies network at the l’institut de recherche et innovation (IRI) at the Pompidou Centre in Paris. He is also the co-editor of the journal in|print. Néill O’Dwyer is an artist and practice-based research fellow at the Arts Technology Research Lab, in the Department of Drama, at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. He is a co-editor of The Performing Subject in the Space of Technology: Through the Virtual, Towards the Real (2015). He is a member of the international Digital Studies Network initiated by the Institute of Research and Innovation, at the Pompidou Centre, and he is an associate researcher of the Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media. Michael O’Hara is an artist and a Lecturer in Sculpture at Technological University Dublin, Ireland. He has been an active researcher with both the Aesthetics Seminar Group and Digital Studies Group for the past six years. His main research interests include developing a phenomenology of digital technologies that critically analyses the materiality of such technologies. Specifically, he is interested in how digital technologies foreground computation as a governing principal that both mediate and cultivate new types of object relations.