Nirit Bauminger-Zviely Author

Prof. Nirit Bauminger-Zviely is a full professor in Educational Psychology from UCLA, and former head of the School of Education at BIU. Prof. Bauminger-Zviely's ASD laboratory at the school of education is at the forefront of basic and applied research on the social – emotional development and peer relations of children affected by ASD including novel manualized evidenced based social interventions. Over the last two decades Prof. Bauminger-Zviely developed multidimensional evidenced-based social intervention as well as assessment procedures and scales to evaluate the ASD social phenotype. She is the author of the book "Social and academic abilities in children with HFASD", published with Guilford, and has written numerous book chapters and journal articles on the subject of ASD and peer relations, friendships, social intervention, social emotions, social cognition and social communication. Her work has been presented both nationally and internationally.