Ning Cai Author & Editor

Ning Cai is Singapore's first professional female magician and escape artist, a recipient of the prestigious Merlin Award (International Magicians Society), and world record holder. Apart from magic and movies, Ning is a closet domestic goddess who bakes the meanest double chocolate chip and peanut butter cookies, with ambitions of being a social entrepreneur and certified patissier. Ning is also an unapologetic tech geek, so you'd often catch her fawning over the latest gadgets and toys. A very odd combination for a FHM cover girl! Pam is a radio DJ cum talk show host, published writer, and former deputy editor of a magazine. A recipient of four journalism awards, her passion lies in giving voice to issues and people's stories. An English graduate, she also holds a Masters degree in Psychology. Work aside, Pam is a self-confessed, die-hard foodie who gleefully documents her food trails online. At age 8, she was bitten by her daddy's travel bug, and has since been in a trance to see the world. Pam is also a clueless, often bemused mum of energetic twin boys, a learner of the deep-end kind, and a lover of unexpected madness!