German Jewry Between Hope and Despair, 1871-1933
Nils Roemer - Paperback
Nils Roemer (PhD Columbia University, USA) is a professor of history and the Stan and Barbara Rabin Professor in Holocaust Studies at the University of Texas at Dallas, USA. Roemer's research interests lie in the fields of modern and Jewish history, with a specific emphasis on German-Jewish history. He has a particular interest in cultural intellectual history. He is the author of the recent books Jewish Scholarship and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Germany: Between History and Faith (2005) and German City Jewish Memory: The Story of Worms (2010). He is also co-editor of many publications, including German History from the Margins (2006); Crossing the Atlantic: Travel and Travel Writing in Modern Times (2011); and Longing, Belonging, and the Making of Jewish Consumer Culture (2011).