Henri Bergson
Vladimir Jankélévitch - Hardback
Alexandre Lefebvre is Associate Professor of Government and International Relations, and Philosophy at the University of Sydney. He is author of Human Rights and the Care of the Self (2018), Human Rights as a Way of Life: On Bergson's Political Philosophy (2013), and The Image of Law: Deleuze, Bergson, Spinoza (2008). He is co-editor of The Subject of Human Rights (forthcoming), Henri Bergson (2015, with Nils F. Schott), and Bergson, Politics, and Religion (2012). Nils F. Schott is Lecturer at the Collège universitaire de SciencesPo. He is co-editor of Henri Bergson (2015, with Alexandre Lefebvre) and Love and Forgiveness for a More Just World (2015). He is translator of a dozen volumes in philosophy and related fields.