Niloy K Dutta Author & Editor

Masahiko Fujiwara, Ph.D., is a chief engineer, Network Research Laboratories, NEC Corporation, Tsukuba, Japan. He has published over 100 papers, and holds 30 patents. His research interests are in the optical component integration, optical cross-connect switching system, optical networking for next generation communication. Niloy K. Dutta, Ph.D., is a Professor of Physics Department, University of Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut. He has published over 240 technical papers. He has published a book on " Long Wavelength Semiconductor Lasers " and a second edition with the title Semiconductor Lasers, and also the editor of a book on Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers: Technology and Applications. He has received various awards including IEEE’s Distinguished Lecturer Award. His reaserch interests are in the optical components, amplifier, and WDM systems for short and long-haul communication. Achyut Dutta is an engineering manager in the Lightwave and Module Design Center, Fujitsu Compound Semiconductor, Inc, San Jose, California. He has published over 100 technical papers, and holds 15 patents. He received various awards including NEC’s best R&D award for technology development of first plastic-optical-fiber (POF) based private network. His research interests are in the high-speed optical components, their integration, and system demonstration including optical networking for next generation communication.