Nilanjana Chatterjee Editor & Author

Anindita Chatterjee is Associate Professor and Head in the Department of English, Durgapur Government College, India. Her research interests centre on British Literature of the Romantic and the Victorian Period, Indian Writing in English, Films, Gender Studies and Popular Culture, and she has published on Socialist Ecofeminism. She has also co-edited Re-theorising the Indian Subcontinental Diaspora: Old and New Directions.

Nilanjana Chatterjee is Assistant Professor of English, Durgapur Government College, India. She is the author of Reading Jhumpa Lahiri: Women, Domesticity and the Indian American Diaspora (Routledge, forthcoming). Some of her ongoing projects include work on Angami Kire’s formation of digital ethnic identity and on women and natural resource management in Naga folktales and stories. She has co-edited Re-theorising the Indian Subcontinental Diaspora: Old and New Directions.