Web Information Systems Engineering – WISE 2019
4 contributors - Paperback
Nikos Mamoulis received a diploma in Computer Engineering and Informatics in 1995 from the University of Patras, Greece, and a PhD in Computer Science in 2000 from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He is currently an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science, University of Hong Kong, which he joined in 2001. In the past, he has worked as a research and development engineer at the Computer Technology Institute, Patras, Greece and as a post-doctoral researcher at the Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica (CWI), the Netherlands. During 2008-2009 he was on leave to the Max-Planck Institute for Informatics (MPII), Germany. His research focuses on the management, mining, and privacy-preserving publishing of complex data, including spatial, spatio-temporal, object-relational, multimedia, text and semi-structured data. He has served on the program committees of over 80 international conferences and workshops on data management and data mining. He was the general chair of SSDBM 2008, the PC co-chair of SSTD 2009, and he participated in the organization committees of several other conferences and workshops. He is currently serving as an associate editor for IEEE TKDE and the VLBJ Journal. Besides, he is an editorial board member for Geoinformatica Journal and was a field editor of the Encyclopedia of Geographic Information Systems. He is a member of the ACM, IEEE, and the SSTD Endowment.