Calcium Stable Isotope Geochemistry
7 authors - Hardback
Anne-Desiree Schmitt obtained her PhD at the University of Strasbourg (F), went as a post-doctoral fellow to the MPI of Chemistry (Mainz, D) and is now a Maitre de Conferences (Associate Prof.) at the University of Franche-Comte (F), where she studies Ca isotope fractionations in surface processes. Dr. Alexander Heuser studied mineralogy at the University of Gottingen. He obtained his doctorate at GEOMAR/University of Kiel for his work on the Ca isotope geochemistry of foraminifera. He is now working on Ca isotope geochemistry of (fossil) bones and biological Ca isotope fractionation at the University of Bonn. Nikolaus Gussone studied geology at the RWTH-Aachen and University of Gottingen. He obtained his doctorate at the GEOMAR/University of Kiel, went as post-doctoral fellow to the Research Center Ocean Margins (Bremen) and is presently at the University of Munster, researching different aspect of Ca isotope geochemistry. Dr. Frank Wombacher studied Geology in Wurzburg, Edinburgh and Gottingen. He received his doctorate at the University of Munster for the determination of Cd isotopes in rocks and meteorites. As a post-doc at the IFM-GEOMAR in Kiel he analysed modern biogenic carbonates for their Mg isotope compositions. Currently he is a researcher at the Freie Universitat Berlin. Florian Bohm studied geology and palaeontology at the University of Erlangen, where he did his doctorate about microfacies and lithostratigraphy of alpine Jurassic limestones. He later moved to the IFM-GEOMAR in Kiel where he started studying Ca isotopes in a project about the variability of seawater calcium during the Phanerozoic.