Nikola Glamuzina Author

Borna Fuerst-Bjeliš is a professor at the University of Zagreb (Croatia). Her research interests are mainly focused on historical geography, environmental history and landscape change, borderlands areas, spatial perceptions and spatial (regional) identities. She has been serving as the vice-president of the European Society for Environmental History (2017–19). Since 2020 she was appointed chair of the IGU Commission on Marginalization, Globalization and Regional and Local Response.  She has co-authored 6 textbooks, edited 4 books and authored or co-authored more than 90 papers, among which 60 peer reviewed scholarly book chapters and research journal articles. Nikola Glamuzina is a professor at the University of Split (Croatia). His research interests are primarily economic geography, historical geography, urban geography and historical cartography with focus on Croatia and neighbouring Bosnia and Herzegovina. He has authored or co-authored 4 scientific books (including 2 textbooks), and more than 30 papers, mostly research journal articles.