Nigel Gilbert
Fordism and Flexibility
3 contributors - Paperback
Agent-Based Models
Nigel Gilbert - Paperback
From Postgraduate to Social Scientist
Analyzing Tabular Data
Nigel Gilbert - Hardback
Simulating Societies
2 contributors - Paperback
Humans, Computers and Wizards
4 authors - Hardback
4 authors - Paperback
Simulating Knowledge Dynamics in Innovation Networks
3 contributors - Hardback
Understanding Social Statistics
2 authors - Paperback
2 contributors - Hardback
Modelling Norms
Computational Social Science
Nigel Gilbert - Set / collection
Simulation for the Social Scientist
2 authors - Hardback
Researching Social Life
Agent-Based Modelling in Economics
Social Dimensions of Organised Crime
A History of Kidderminster
Social Science Microsimulation
4 contributors - Hardback