Nicole M Wessman-Enzinger Editor

Nicole M. Wessman-Enzinger is an assistant education professor at George Fox University. Previously, she was an assistant mathematics professor at Olivet Nazarene University (2010-12). She earned a PhD in mathematics education from Illinois State University in 2015. Her research interests are centered on children’s and prospective teachers’ thinking about integers and ways to playfully engage in mathematics.

Laura Bofferding is an associate professor of mathematics education at Purdue University. She earned a PhD in Curriculum Studies at Stanford University in 2011. She is the recipient of an NSF CAREER award for Leveraging Contrasting Cases to Investigate Integer Understanding. Her research interests include pre-K and elementary students’ cognitive development and understanding of mathematics, with a current focus on negative numbers; use of games, stories, and contrasting worked examples to support children’s numerical understanding; the interplay between teachers' use of questioning, number talks, and students' mathematical reasoning; and the sequencing of mathematical topics.