Nicole Dintenfass Author

John Dintenfass is vettor for African art exhibitions, and a long-time collector who has lectured on the aesthetics of African art and the psychology of collecting. He is assistant professor of psychiatry at Mt. Sinai Hospital, school of Medicine in New York. Nicole Dintenfass is a doctor of psychology and past director of training at the Karen Horney Institute. She is on the Faculty of the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine. Heinrich Schweizer was head of African and Oceanic Art at Sotheby's, where he has been credited with introducing new cataloguing standards for African art. Bérénice Geoffroy-Schneiter trained as an art historian at the École du Louvre and studied ancient Greek at the Sorbonne. She is a journalist and an art critic. She has published several books on tribal arts and personal adornment and co-curated the Paris exhibition Voyage dans ma tête, la collection de coiffes d'Antoine de Galbert (2010).