Nicola Pannofino Editor & Author

Stefania Palmisano is Associate Professor in the Sociology of Religion at the University of Turin, Italy, where she teaches the Sociology of Religious Organization and the Sociology of Religion. She is Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Politics, Philosophy and Religion in Lancaster University (UK). She is a member of the editorial board of Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa (il Mulino) and Fieldwork in Religion (EQUINOX). In addition, Stefania Palmisano is co-ordinator of the research centre CRAFT (Contemporary Religion and Faiths in Transition) based in the Department of Culture, Politics and Society of Turin University.

Nicola Pannofino is PhD in Sociology of Religion and Assistant Professor in Sociology of Language and Communication at the University of Turin. He is member of the scientific committee of Hierós, editorial series of the Italian academic publisher Meti, and member of the organizing committee of the research centre CRAFT (Contemporary Religion and Faiths in Transition) based in the Department of Culture, Politics and Society of Turin University. His research interests include sociology of alternative spirituality, secular religions, theories of the sacred, rhetoric and cognition.