Closing the Gap
3 authors - Paperback
Regina Schaffer is a Technology Specialist for the Middletown Township School District. She was recently selected as a National School Board Association's 20toWatch, as well as a 2016 PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovator. She is a Google Certified Innovator, Common Sense Media Certified Teacher, Discovery Education DEN Star, Remind Connected Educator and a Brainpop Connected Educator. Connect with Regina at @reginaschaffer.
Nicol R. Howard, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the School of Education at the University of Redlands. She has served as co-chair for ISTE’s Digital Equity Network. Her research foci are equitable uses of technology in K16 classrooms, STEM Education opportunities and achievement, and teacher education concerns. Her writing has appeared in the Corwin Connected Educators Series Standing in the Gap: Empowering New Teachers Through Connected Resources, Urban Education Journal, International Journal of Educational Technology, EduCause, Edutopia, and eCampus News.
Sarah Thomas, PhD, is an educator and the founder of the EduMatch movement, a project that empowers educators to make global connections across common areas of interest. She has presented internationally, participated in the Technical Working Group to refresh the 2017 ISTE Standards for Educators, and is a recipient of the 2017 ISTE Making It Happen Award. She is also a national advisor for the Future Ready Instructional Coaches Strand. A full biography is available at bit.ly/sarahthomasbio.