Nicol Hochholczerova Author

Nicol Hochholczerova, who was born in 1999, grew up in Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia. In 2024, she completed a Master's in graphic design at the Academy of Art in Banska Bystrica.
Her short stories have garnered prizes in a number of literary competitions. Her book-length debut, Tato izba sa neda zjest (This Room Is Impossible to Eat) was shortlisted for Slovakia's most prestigious literary prize, the Anasoft Litera Award, and has since been translated into Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian, Serbian, Polish and Ukrainian, with German and Macedonian translations underway. A feature film based on the book is in production.
In 2022, Hochholczerova was named Young Artist of the Year by the Tatra Banka Foundation. The Polish translation was nominated for the Angelus literary prize, awarded to living authors from Central Europefic book.