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Ted Berrigan - Paperback
Among the most significant American poets of the later 20th century, Ted Berrigan (1934–1983) was a leading force behind the second-generation New York School. Born in Providence, RI, Berrigan attended various local schools, then enlisted in the Army and was stationed in Korea in the aftermath of the Korean War. In the late ’50s on the G.I. Bill, he enrolled in the University of Tulsa in Oklahoma, where he earned a B.A. and M.A. During this period he met his younger poetic and artistic comrades Ron Padgett, Dick Gallup, and Joe Brainard, all four of whom moved to New York City. In the early ’60s, he was married to the poet Sandy Berrigan, with whom he had two children, David and Kate. He later married the poet Alice Notley and, after periods in Buffalo, Chicago, New York, Bolinas, London, and Essex, settled with her and their sons, Anselm and Edmund, in New York City, where they eventually all became fixtures of the scene around St. Mark’s Poetry Project. Berrigan published a magazine, C, in the 60s, and individual volumes by poets under the imprint C Press. His books of poetry include The Sonnets (1964, 1967, 1982, 2000), now published by Penguin, Collected Poems (2007) and Selected Poems (2011), both published by the University of California.
Alice Notley was born in 1945 in Bisbee, Arizona. and grew up in Needles, California. She graduated from Barnard College and then the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, with an MFA in Fiction and Poetry. She married Ted Berrigan in 1972 and lived with him until his death in 1983, upon which she became the guardian and sometimes (with Anselm and Edmund Berrigan) editor of his manuscripts. A prominent international poet, she edited the magazine CHICAGO and co-edited with second husband, British poet Douglas Oliver, Scarlet and Gare du Nord. Notley is the author of some forty or fifty volumes of poetry and prose, including The Descent of Alette, Mysteries of Small Houses, Grave of Light: New & Selected Poems 1970-2005, Coming After: Essays on Poetry, Benediction, For the Ride, and many more. She lives in Paris, France.
Anselm Berrigan was born in Chicago and grew up in New York City. He has published many books of poetry, including Free Cell (2009), a volume in the City Lights Spotlight Poetry Series. His most recent book is Pregrets (Black Square Editions, 2021). He is the poetry editor for The Brooklyn Rail, and editor of What Is Poetry? (Just Kidding, I Know You Know): Interviews from The Poetry Project Newsletter 1983-2009. From 2003-2007 he was the Artistic Director of The Poetry Project at St. Mark's Church. He lives in New York City.
Born in Colchester, England and raised in New York City, Edmund Berrigan is a poet and musician. His books include Disarming Matter (Owl Press, 1999), Glad Stone Children (Farfalla, 2008), and More Gone (2019), a volume in the City Lights Spotlight Poetry Series. He also published a volume of memoirs, Can It! (Letter Machine Editions, 2013). He lives in Brooklyn, and performs music with the groups I Feel Tractor and Other Arc Ensemble. He lives in Brooklyn.
Poet and scholar Nick Sturm hails from Akron, Ohio, and is a lecturer in the English Department at Georgia State University. He has published widely on post-1945 American poetry. More information about his scholarship and archival research are available at his blog Crystal Set, nicksturm.com. He has a Ph.D. from Florida State and an M.F.A. from the University of Akron. He lives in Atlanta, Georgia.