Nick Nuttall Author

Jane L. Chapman is Professor of Communications at University of Lincoln School of Journalism and visiting Fellow at Cambridge University and University College Dublin School of History. Her books include Issues in Contemporary Documentary (2009); Broadcast Journalism: a Critical Introduction (with Marie Kinsey, 2008); Documentary in Practice (2007) and the best-selling Comparative Media History (2005). Her research interests include press history and the media's relationship to women and indigenous minorities.

Nick Nuttall is senior lecturer and MA program leader at the University of Lincoln School of Journalism. He worked for many years in East Africa, the Middle East and Cyprus, writing on travel and communication issues. He has authored a chapter on Truman Capote and New Journalism for The Journalistic Imagination (2007) as well as a chapter on investigative journalism for the latest edition of The Newspapers Handbook (2006). His research interests include New Journalism, press history, and the gonzo journalism of Hunter S. Thompson.