Nick Bontis Editor & Author

Dr. Nick Bontis (Ph.D. University of Western Ontario) is an award-winning professor of strategic management at McMaster University and Program Director of the World Congress on Intellectual Capital. He is Associate Editor of the Journal of Intellectual Capital (the leading research publication in the field) and Director of the Institute for Intellectual Capital Research (a global research think-tank and KM consulting firm). He is Chief Knowledge Officer of Enterprises, which is the world's first knowledge exchange and auction, and sits on a variety of advisory boards for several knowledge-based companies. He is widely recognized as a leading researcher in the fields of intellectual capital, knowledge management, and organizational learning and is an internationally sought-after keynote speaker and respected management consultant. His latest publications appear in a variety of journals, including Journal of Management Studies, European Management Journal, Management Decision, Knowledge and Process Management, International Journal of Technology Management, Journal of Internet Research, and International Journal of Management Reviews, among others.