A new System of the Spleen, Vapours, and Hypochondriack Melancholy
Nicholas Robinson - Hardback
Richard L. Ottinger is Dean Emeritus and Professor of Law at Pace Law School in White Plains, New York, where he taught environmental law and was Dean from 1994-1999. He is a member of the IUCN Commission on Environmental Law and Chair of its Climate and Energy Working Group. He served for 16 years in the U.S. Congress, chairing the House Subcommittee on Energy, Conservation and Power. Nicholas Robinson has developed environmental law since 1969 when he was named to the Legal Advisory Committee of the President's Council on Environmental Quality. He has practised environmental law in law firms, for municipalities and as former general counsel of N.Y.S. Department of Environmental Conservation. He drafted New York's wetlands and wild bird laws and was inaugurated as the first chairman of the statutory Freshwater Wetlands Appeals Board. Victor Tafur is a staff attorney for the Pace Energy Project. He was deputy director of operations for the Presidency of Columbia and a legal counsel and environmental advisor on energy projects in Columbia.