Nicholas Harkiolakis Author & Editor

Daphne Halkias, PhD, has been Visiting Scholar at the University of Oxford's Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), where she conducted a cross-national research on female immigrant entrepreneurship. Currently she is a Research Affiliate at the Institute for Social Sciences at Cornell University, USA; Visiting Professor at American University in Paris; Senior Research Fellow at The Center for Youth and Family Enterprise (CYFE) at University of Bergamo, Italy; and Research Associate at the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at the University of California, San Diego, USA. Paul W. Thurman, MBA, PhD Candidate, is a Clinical Professor at Columbia University's Graduate Schools of Business, Public and International Affairs, and Public Health, New York, USA.. Dr Nicholas Harkiolakis is a Senior Researcher, Institute of Communications and Computer Systems at National Metsovio Polytechnic, Athens, Greece. Sylva M. Caracatsanis is a Researcher and Doctoral Candidate in Human Geography at the University of Exeter, UK.