Nicholas Bradbury Author

Nicholas Bradbury was ordained in 1973 to a curacy at the Elephant and Castle. From 1976-79 he was in community with the Jesuits in New York City. After serving as Vicar of Holy Trinity, Tottenham he became Director of Pastoral Theology at Salisbury & Wells Theological College during which time, following the Faith in the City Report, he wrote City of God? Pastoral Care in the Inner City (1989), considerably acclaimed by reviewers. He has written for journals such as Theology, Contact: the interdisciplinary journal of pastoral studies, the Scottish Journal of Theology and the HSJ (Health Service Journal) as well as for the Guardian on Anandamayi Ma and the Hindu spiritual tradition and for other newspapers on a wide variety of subjects. He has made over 130 BBC broadcasts on Radio 2 and 4. He is widely known as a facilitator, retreat-giver and NHS executive team coach. From 2001-2013 he was a Senior Fellow of the King’s Fund and from 2013-17 he was Head of System Leadership at the NHS Leadership Academy as well as Director of development for Nurses and Midwives. He is founder-director of Humanum - to develop the human ( and on the team at St Michael’s, Summertown in Oxford. Humanum runs Caillier Retreats in Charente, France.