Familial Breast and Ovarian Cancer
3 contributors - Paperback
Patrick J. Morrison is a consultant clinical geneticist with a special interest in cancer genetics, in the Northern Ireland Regional Genetics Service. He qualified with an MB BCh BAO in 1986 and an MD in 1993 from Queens' University Belfast. He held molecular biology and neurogenetics research fellowships from the Royal College of Physicians in Ireland from 1991–4. Morrison is a member of the UK Government's Human Genetics Commission, World Federation of Neurology Research Group in Huntingdon Disease, a steering group member on the International Collaborative group on hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (ICG-HBOC) and a council member of the Irish Society of Human Genetics. He is involved in many other genetics and cancer societies, and has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles on all aspects of genetics, particularly late onset neurogenetics diseases, familial cancers and insurance issues. Neva E. Haites is a Professor in Medical Genetics at the University of Aberdeen and Head of Service in Medical Genetics and Honorary Consultant Clinical Genetics, Grampian University Hospitals NHS Trust. Her clinical interests include families with an inherited predisposition to cancer. She is currently Chair the Cancer Genetics Sub-Group of the Scottish Cancer Group at the Scottish Office and Chair of the British Society of Human Genetics. Haites' research Interests include service models for familial cancer, molecular aspects of Charcot Marie Tooth disease, polycystic ovarian syndrome, talipes equino varus, and diagnosis and identification of genes implicated in sporadic and familial cancer.