Man and God
Xavier Zubiri - Paperback
Xavier Zubiri (1898-1983), is a famous contemporary Spanish philosopher. Zubiri rethought the problems of philosophy in a very profound way and developed a radically new approach to knowing and reality, termed Sentient Intelligence. His thought is a synthesis of classical philosophy (from Aristotle to St. Thomas) and phenomenology, but goes beyond both. Zubiri's theological writings utilize this philosophical framework. Thomas Fowler is president and founder of the Xavier Zubiri Foundation of North America. He has translated two other works by Zubiri and is editor of The Xavier Zubiri Review, a journal devoted to Zubiri studies. He also serves as adjunct professor at George Mason University and his book, The Evolution Controversy, A Survey of Competing Theories was published in 2007. Nelson Orringer is a retired professor of comparative literature at the University of Connecticut, who has authored many books about Spanish literary and philosophical figures and has translated a book by Zubiri into English. He is widely respected as an expert on twentieth century Spanish authors, especially Ortega y Gassett, Unamuno, and Zubiri, among others. Joaquín Redondo is a longtime scholar and researcher of Zubiri. A native speaker of both Spanish and English, he is in a unique position to translate Zubiri's philosophical expressions, often metaphorical, into clear English. He has also translated three other works by Zubiri in addition to this book, and is preparing a fifth.