Nelson H Vieira Editor & Translator

Nelson H. Vieira is a professor in the Department of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies and the Department of Judaic Studies at Brown University. He is the editor and translator of Samuel Rawet’s The Prophet and Other Stories and the author of Jewish Voices in Brazilian Literature: A Prophetic Discourse of Alterity. Contributors: Bernardo Ajzenberg, Roney Cytrynowicz, Alberto Dines, Francisco Dzialovsky, Judith Grossmann, Jacó Guinsburg, Marcos Iolovitch, Paulo Jacob, Esther Largman, Jaime Lerner, Eliezer Levin, Clarice Lispector, Elisa Lispector, Samuel Malamud, Cíntia Moscovich, Rosa Palatnik, Samuel Rawet, Samuel Reibscheid, Sônia Rosenblatt, Moacyr Scliar, and Amália Zeitel.