Nelson Graff Author & Editor

John Duffy is an associate professor of English and the Joseph Morahan Director of the College Seminar at the University of Notre Dame. He studies literacy and rhetoric in minority communities and has published essays in College Composition and Communication, Written Communication, and elsewhere. His book, Writing from These Roots: The Historical Development of Literacy in a Hmong American Community won the 2009 College Composition and Communication Book of the Year Award.

Julie Nelson Christoph is an associate professor of English at the University of Puget Sound. She has published work on ethos and on literacy and culture in College English, Research in the Teaching of English, and Written Communication. Her article in this collection grows out of research conducted during a year-long Fulbright Fellowship in Tanzania.

Eli Goldblatt is a professor of English at Temple University. His 2007 Hampton Press book, Because We Live Here: Sponsoring Literacy Beyond the College Curriculum, won the Best Book award from the Council of Writing Program Administrators. Goldblatt is the author of Writing Home: A Literacy Autobiography (SIU Press, 2012). He directs a university-wide initiative called the Community Learning Network, and has published three books of poetry and two books for children.

Nelson Graff is an assistant professor of English at San Francisco State University. He has published on secondary teaching and literacy teaching strategies in English Journal, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, and Educational Research.

Rebecca S. Nowacek is an associate professor of English at Marquette University. Her research focuses on academic literacy and has appeared in College Composition and Communication, College English, JGE: The Journal of General Education, and Research in the Teaching of English.

Bryan Trabold is an associate professor of English at Suffolk University. He has published on the strategies of resistance used by South African antiapartheid journalists in College English and also has an article forthcoming in College Composition and Communication.