Tractor Wars
Neil Dahlstrom - Hardback
Neil Dahlstrom is the author of The John Deere Story: A Biography of Plowmakers John and Charles Deere (Northern Illinois University Press, 2005), and Lincoln’s Wrath: Fierce Mobs, Brilliant Scoundrels, and a President’s Mission to Destroy the Press (Sourcebooks, 2005). Since the release of these two books he’s built a career in corporate archives, agricultural and brand history. Today, Neil the Manager of Archives and History at John Deere, the most well-known agriculture equipment brand in the world.
Recently, Neil has held a variety of leadership positions in archival organizations, with colleagues in some of the most prestigious archives and museums. Currently, he’s a member of the Kitchen Cabinet, the Food and Agriculture Advisory Board of The Smithsonian National Museum of American History, and chair of the Society of American Archivists Business Archives Section, which includes more than five hundred corporate archivists.