Nehal Bhuta Editor

Debora Valentina Malito is A. W. Mellon Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Cape Town, South Africa. Her research interests focus on critical studies of liberal intervention, state building and global governance.

Gaby Umbach is Founding Director of GlobalStat, the Database on Developments in a Globalised World, and Co-Director of research projects on measuring and indicators in global governance at the Global Governance Programme of the EUI’s Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, Italy. She is Book Review Editor of the Journal of Common Market Studies

Nehal Bhuta is Professor of Public International Law at the European University Institute, Italy. He is a member of the editorial boards of the European Journal of International Law, the Journal of International Criminal Justice, Constellations, and Humanity. He is also a Series Editor of The History and Theory of International Law