Toward a Positive Psychology of Islam and Muslims
Nausheen Pasha-Zaidi - Hardback
Nausheen Pasha-Zaidi, PhD, is a professor of psychology at Houston Community College and teaches social science courses at the University of Houston-Downtown, USA. She has worked as an international educator for almost 20 years focusing on language development and cultural studies with an emphasis on Muslim populations. Her articles have appeared in a number of professional journals including the Journal of International Women’s Studies, Ethnicities and Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. She is the author of The Colour of Mehndi, a novel that explores acculturation, family values and mental illness within the Pakistani-American community and the lead editor of Mirror on the Veil: A Collection of Personal Narratives on Hijab and Veiling. She also co-edited the book volume: Positive Psychology in the Middle East/North Africa with Dr. Louise Lambert. Dr. Pasha has presented at several international conferences on topics related to English language learning, religiocultural diversity and Islamic feminism.