To Reach the Spring
Nathaniel Popkin - Paperback
Joseph E. B. Elliott is Professor of Art at Muhlenberg College, and an Instructor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Design. He is the author of The Steel: Photographs of the Bethlehem Steel Plant, 1989-1996, and (with Aaron V. Wunsch) of Palazzos of Power: Central Stations of the Philadelphia Electric Company, 1900-1930. Nathaniel Popkin is co-founder of Hidden City Daily and senior writer of the documentary film, Philadelphia: The Great Experiment. He is the author of Song of the City: An Intimate History of the American Urban Landscape and The Possible City: Exercises in Dreaming Philadelphia, as well as a novel, Lion and Leopard. His literary criticism appears in the Wall Street Journal and other publications. Peter Woodall is a former newspaper reporter and producer for public radio. He co-founded the website Hidden City Daily and is the project director of Hidden City Philadelphia.