Nathaniel Popkin Author

Joseph E. B. Elliott is Professor of Art at Muhlenberg College, and an Instructor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Design. He is the author of The Steel: Photographs of the Bethlehem Steel Plant, 1989-1996, and (with Aaron V. Wunsch) of Palazzos of Power: Central Stations of the Philadelphia Electric Company, 1900-1930.  Nathaniel Popkin is co-founder of Hidden City Daily and senior writer of the documentary film, Philadelphia: The Great Experiment. He is the author of Song of the City: An Intimate History of the American Urban Landscape and The Possible City: Exercises in Dreaming Philadelphia, as well as a novel, Lion and Leopard. His literary criticism appears in the Wall Street Journal and other publications.  Peter Woodall is a former newspaper reporter and producer for public radio. He co-founded the website Hidden City Daily and is the project director of Hidden City Philadelphia.