Nene Valley Railway - A Journey By Steam
Nathan Wilson - Hardback
Todd Leahy is the Conservation Director for the New Mexico Wildlife Federation. Among his publications are “Beef Instead of Bayonets” in the Chronicles of Oklahoma and the forthcoming “American Indian Water Rights and the Unitary Waters Theory” in American Indian Law Review. His most recent publications concern sportsmen’s issues and conservation, which can be found in The Hill, The Albuquerque Journal, The Santa Fe New Mexican and numerous other news outlets. Nathan Wilson he has taught history the University of New Mexico, Fort Hays State University, Central Michigan University, Oklahoma State University, and was recently a Visiting Assistant Professor at the University of Tulsa where he offered courses in the American West, Native America, and American Popular Culture. Currently, he is a freelance writer and editor who has contributed articles, essays, and reviews to both scholarly and commercial publications.