The Crayon Man
Natascha Biebow - Hardback
Natascha Biebow’s favorite crayon color is periwinkle blue because it makes her heart sing. She loves to draw and make stuff, just like Edwin Binney. She lives in London, where she writes, edits, coaches and mentors children’s book authors and illustrators at Blue Elephant Storyshaping, and is the long-time Regional Advisor of SCBWI British Isles. The Crayon Man is her first non-fiction picture book. Find her at nataschabiebow.com. Steven Salerno has illustrated many popular picture books for children, including Brothers at Bat and The Fantastic Ferris Wheel (Holt). A graduate of Parsons School of Design, where he studied under famed author/illustrator Maurice Sendak, Steven's illustrations appear in the New York Times as well as magazines, advertising campaigns, product packaging, and retail interiors. He lives and works in New York City. www.stevensalerno.com