Natalie Turner Author & Illustrator

Natalie Turner is Founder and CEO of The Entheo Network. She has a background in innovation, leadership and marketing strategy and has worked for and consulted with some of the world’s leading organisations including Cisco Systems, Singapore Airlines, and LEO Pharma Asia. She facilitates leadership and innovation workshops and is an international speaker on innovation, entrepreneurship and leadership at a variety of conferences, organisations and universities around the world, including Harvard’s HPAIR Conference in Manila.   Natalie is the inventor of The Six ‘I’s of Innovation® an integrated methodology that provides individuals and organisations a consistent framework for assessing skills and managing innovation. She is an experienced facilitator, trainer and consultant; and works to unlock the potential of organisations and people to help them create new products and services whilst focusing on the development of innovation skills, capabilities and culture. With over twenty years of experience, working in entrepreneurial start-ups, corporate incubators and senior management roles, she is passionate about the application of ideas into tangible, practical and operational results.