Natalie Delimata Author

Natalie Delimata lectures in Social Science at the Institute of Technology, Sligo where she completed her PhD in 2017 exploring the management of atypical sex (intersex) in Ireland. Her field of interest includes the philosophies of social and natural science, in particular the relationship between reality, morality and meaning. Her current work focuses on how metaphysical and epistemic beliefs inform moral decisions, specifically in relation to sex and gender. Delimata has been consulted by the Department of Justice, Ireland; Surrey University, UK and the Global DSD Endeavour, an international biomedical consortium established in 2014 to evaluate atypical sex (intersex) treatment.  As part of her role on the Global DSD Endeavour Working Group on Nomenclature, Delimata became the lead author of a paper entitled: "Evaluating the Term ‘Disorders of Sex Development’: A Multidisciplinary Debate" (Delimata, Simmonds, O’Brien, Davis, Auchus and Lin-Su 2018). This paper presents the major themes explored by the nomenclature group whose nineteen members were tasked with evaluating the controversial term ‘disorders of sex development’. Delimata has presented her work internationally at both medical and social science conferences.