Naomi Segal Author, Editor & Translator

Espen Aarseth, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Heather G. Bradshaw-Martin University of Bristol, UK Robert Crawshaw, Lancaster University, UK Borbála Faragó, University of Budapest, Hungary Kathleen Fitzpatrick, New York University, USA Leopoldina Fortunati, University of Udine, Italy Mary Gallagher, University College Dublin, Ireland Isabel Capeloa Gil, Catholic University of Portugal Sibel Irz?k, Sabanc? University, Turkey Daniela Koleva, University of Sofia, Bulgaria Ulrike Landfester, St. Gallen, Switzerland Loredana Polezzi, University of Warwick, UK Susan Schreibman, National University of Ireland Maynooth Naomi Segal, Birkbeck, University of London, UK Marianne Sommer, University of Lucerne, Switzerland Ricarda Vidal, King's College London, UK Uwe Wirth, Justus Liebig University, Germany