Nancy Taber Author & Editor

Sarah Cote Hampson is an Assistant Professor of Public Law at the University of Washington Tacoma. Her book, The Balance Gap: Working Mothers and the Limits of the Law (Stanford 2017), focuses on working mothers’ experiences with work/life balance policy in Academia and the U.S. military.

Udi Lebel is an Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Ariel University; a researcher at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar Ilan University. His main Research Interests: Sociology of Trauma, Loss and Bereavement; Civil – Military Relations; Collective Memory and Commemoration; Security and Trauma's Communities. He is the author of Politics of Memory: the Israeli Underground's Struggle for Inclusion in the National Pantheon and Military Commemoralization (Routlege 2013) and co-editor of Yom Kippur War and the Reshaping of Israeli Civil-Military Relations (Lexington, 2015).

Nancy Taber is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education, Brock University. Her research explores the ways in which learning, gender, and militarism interact in daily life, popular culture, museums, academic institutions, and military organizations. Her publications include Gendered militarism in Canada: Learning conformity and resistance (University of Alberta).