Tell er-Rumeith
2 contributors - Hardback
Tristan Barako has broad experience as a writer, researcher and fundraiser in diverse settings, especially in academia and media production. As Senior Writer and Researcher at Providence Pictures, he researched, wrote and edited highly-rated, award-winning documentaries for national and worldwide distribution on NOVA, the premiere science series on American Public Television. Dr. Barako trained as an archaeologist, receiving his doctorate and masters degrees at Harvard University and undergraduate degree at McGill University. During this time, he excavated and surveyed throughout the Mediterranean region, both on land and at sea. Currently he serves as Associate Director of Research Initiatives in Brown University's Office of the Vice President for Research.
Nancy Lapp was Curator of the Bible Lands Museum at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary for thirty years before her retirement in 2000. She is the author of Shechem IV, The Persian-Hellenistic Pottery of Shechem/Tell Balâtah and has edited the final excavation reports of Paul Lapp’s excavations at Wâd? ed-Dâliyeh, Tell el-Fûl and Araq el-Emir.
Paul Lapp was Director and Professor of Archaeology at the American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem from 1960 through 1968. During that time he directed excavations at Bab edh-Dhra`, Taanach, Wâd? ed-Dâliyeh and Tell el-Fûl, among other sites. His publications include Palestinian Ceramic Chronology, 200 B.C. – A.D. 70, The Dhahr Mirzbâneh Tombs, and Biblical Archaeology and History. He tragically died in 1970.