Nancy Gonlin Author & Editor

Dean R. Snow is Professor Emeritus and former Head of the Department of Anthropology at The Pennsylvania State University, USA. His archaeological research interests are in Iroquoian and Algonquian ethnohistory, American historical archaeology, paleodemography, and rock art. He has conducted research projects in Mexico, northeastern North America, and Europe.

Nancy Gonlin is a Mesoamerican archaeologist who specializes in household archaeology, ritual and ideology, and archaeology of the night. She is a Professor of Anthropology at Bellevue College, Washington, USA. Her research and publications have centered on commoners in complex societies, whether working in Mexico, El Salvador, or Honduras.

Peter E. Siegel is Professor and Chair of Anthropology at Montclair State University, USA. He is a New World archaeologist with research interests in historical ecology, ethnoarchaeology, spatial analysis, and cosmological and political organization. He has conducted projects throughout eastern North America, much of the West Indies, lowland South America, and eastern Bolivia.