Nancy A Pachana Editor & Author

Nancy A. Pachana, PhD is Professor of Clinical Psychology and co-director of the Ageing Mind Initiative at The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Dr. Pachana's research and clinical work focuses broadly in the area of geriatric mental health, particularly late-life anxiety disorders. She co-developed the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory (GAI), a published short self-report inventory in wide clinical and research use globally, and translated into over two dozen languages. Her other research interests include novel empirical interventions in residential aged care and for caregivers, measurement of cognitive decline, and general health and well-being in later life. She has published 160+ original articles in peer-reviewed international journals, including 23 book chapters, and 1 authored and 3 edited books. Dr. Pachana mentors graduate and undergraduate student research and teaches courses on clinical geropsychology and leadership and clinical skills at her university. Professor Laidlaw qualified as a clinical psychologist in 1995. In 1999 he was awarded a Winston Churchill Fellowship and travelled to the US to meet experts in CBT. From 1999 to 2000 he was invited to spend a year at University of Pennsylvania (PENN) in Philadelphia with Aaron T. Beck. In 2006 he completed his PhD part-time while working academically and clinically. Ken has always maintained a strong clinical commitment in the past and was professional lead for an older adults service in Edinburgh prior to his appointment at UEA. He was the Principal Investigator on the first UK RCT of CBT for late Life depression published in 2008. His manual for this trial has subsequently been used in other clinical trials. He also led the development of the creation of a cross-cultural Attitudes to Ageing Questionnaire (AAQ), that was pilot and field trialled in 20 countries worldwide. His conceptualization framework for CBT with older people is part of the IAPT curriculum materials for HI IAPT workers.