Advances in Food Bioproducts and Bioprocessing Technologies
3 authors - Hardback
Dr. Nagamani Balagurusamy is Professor at the Faculty of Biological Sciences, Universidad Autonoma de Coahuila, Torreon, Mexico. Previously, he worked as Associate Professor at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India. Over the last 30 years, his research interest has been in the biology of anaerobic digesters, with particular emphasis on the interactions between anaerobic bacteria and archaea.
He teaches Biochemistry, Microbial Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Environmental Engineering, Microbial Physiology, Bioremediation and Microbial Molecular Ecology to undergraduate and postgraduate students of Biochemical Engineering Programs. He is recognized as Level 1 Member of the National Research Scientists System of Mexico by the National Council of Science and Technology of the Government of Mexico.
Dr. Anuj K. Chandel is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Biotechnology, Engineering School of Lorena, University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil. Dr. Chandel’s research interests are biofuels and biochemical production based on the biorefinery concept. As a frequently invited speaker at international conferences and forums he regularly lectures on technical and strategic aspects of biomass energy.
He has published his research work in leading journals, and co-edited books on xylitol, sustainable degradation of lignocellulosic biomass, Brazilian and Indian biofuels development, sustainable sources of energy, and others. Additionally, he is a reviewer for numerous prominent journals, industrial projects of various funding agencies and a consultant for several biotechnology startups.