Naeem Fazal Author

Naeem Fazal was born and raised as a Muslim in Kuwait. He came to the United States shortly after the Gulf War of 1990. In 1992, he had a supernatural experience with Christ that changed the course of his life. He was ordained in 2001 at Seacoast Church. In 2006, with the help of Seacoast Church, the ARC, and Mosaic LA, he planted Mosaic Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. Naeem has been featured inRelevant magazine, Leadership Journal, and Charlottemagazine. Kitti Murray and her husband, Bill, are part of an urban church plant network in Downtown Atlanta’s Old Fourth Ward neighborhood, where they also live. Kitti is a mother of four grown sons, three daughters-in-law, and two beautiful grandkids. When not writing, planning events for Apartment Life, or watching her grandbabies, Kitti can be found biking to her favorite coffee shop.