Systems and Signal Processing of Capnography as a Diagnostic Tool for Asthma Assessment
5 authors - Paperback
Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Malarvili BalaKrishnan (M.B. Malarvili) have acquired more than 15 years of experience in the academics as well as involvements in the biomedical industry. She is the head of Biosignal Processing Research Group under Health and Wellness Research Alliance at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. She obtained Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences Engineering from The University of Queensland, Australia in 2008. Currently, she is attached to School of Biomedical and Health Sciences Engineering, Universiti Teknologi of Malaysia. Dr. Malarvili is actively involved in research related to digital signal processing, time-frequency signal analysis, pattern recognition, biosensor and medical monitoring devices. To date, she has published nearly 100 publications consisting of refereed journals (30), books (8), scopus indexed (35), ISI indexed (20), book chapters (8) and over 20 refereed conference papers. Dr. Malarvili has also produced 13 copyrights and 5 patents. She also received 5 international awards, 12 national awards and many more appreciation certificates. In addition, she has chaired sessions as chair person in prestigious conference, editorial board member and technical reviewer by IEEE, EMBS and medical society besides appointed as scientific and technical committee members for several international conferences. She was recently selected for an 'Outstanding Woman in Health and Medical Sciences’ award at the 4th Venus International Women Awards - VIWA 2019, Chennai, India. Teo Aik Howe managed ED-HPP for more than 10 years as Head of Department, developing clinical capabilities and initiating specialty clinical services in Emergency Medicine. Currently, the ED-HPP manages more than 160,000 emergency admissions per year; has in excess of 30 medical officers, and more than 120 staff members in total. It is recognized as a training center for the MMed (Emergency Medicine) and MMed (Family Medicine) programs, as well as for undergraduate medical students teaching from the Penang Medical College. It also manages a compulsory 4 month posting for house officers on training. The ED is also an accredited training center for nurses, paramedics and allied health professionals. Dr. Santheraleka Ramanathan obtained her Ph.D. in Nanobiotechnology Engineering in Universiti Malaysia Perlis, Malaysia (2020). Her research field is in the generation of high-performance biosensors. She has gained experiences in synthesizing and characterizing nanomaterials, and its incorporation with biomolecules for detecting disease biomarkers. She is currently continuing her post-doctoral study under Biosignal Processing Research Group in Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Dr. Santheraleka pursuing her interest in research related to signal processing, with regard to medical monitoring devices. Her research works were published (total of 24 with 349 citations) in referred scientific journals. She has contributed to 3 book chapters and 1 edited book. Mushikiwabeza Alexie received bachelor’s degree in Electrical Power Engineering at University of Rwanda in 2014, Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering at Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) University, India in 2018.Currently, she is pursuing PhD research in Biomedical Engineering at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Malaysia. Her research interest involves biomedical signal processing for the assessment of respiratory diseases. She has six years of working experience as an Assistant Lecturer at University of Rwanda (UR), College of Science and Technology (CST). She is also an academic associate at Regional Center of Excellence in Biomedical Engineering and E-health (CEBE), Rwanda. Om Prakash Singh received a bachelor’s degree in science (physics, chemistry, and math), a master’s degree in physics, a master’s degree in biomedical engineering, and a Ph.D. degree in biomedical engineering, in 2005, 2007, 2009, and 2019, respectively. Besides, he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Associate in medical device engineering at The University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, U.K. Additionally, he has six years of teaching experience and four years of research experience. He is currently working as a Researcher with the Group of Circuits and Systems, Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland. He has also filed one IP and obtained two copyrights for his research work. To date, he has authored or coauthored around 27 researched and reviewed manuscripts. His research interests include the development of handy medical devices using optical-based sensors, by deploying signal-processing algorithms, and machine learning techniques for the automatic classification of cardiopulmonary conditions. He has been awarded two gold awards and one merit award for his research.