Munther Younes is Senior Lecturer of Arabic Language and Linguistics at Cornell University, USA.
Kalila wa Dimna
Munther Younes - Paperback
Riḥla ilā Bilād al-‘Arab رحلة إلى بلاد العرب
Munther Younes - Hardback
The Integrated Approach to Arabic Instruction
Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part Three)
2 authors - Hardback
2 authors - Paperback
Reading Mawsim al-Hijra ilā al-Shamāl
'Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part Two)
5 authors - Paperback
The Routledge Introduction to Qur'anic Arabic
Charging Steeds or Maidens Performing Good Deeds
'Arabiyyat al-Naas (Part One)
3 authors - Paperback
5 authors - Hardback
Arabiyyat al-Naas fii MaSr (Part One)
4 authors - Paperback
3 authors - Hardback