Design for Sustainability
2 contributors - Paperback
S.M. Sapuan is Professor of Composite Materials at Universiti Putra Malaysia, Malaysia. He earned his B.Eng degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Newcastle, Australia in 1990, MSc from Loughborough University, UK in 1994, and Ph.D from De Montfort University, UK in 1998. His research interests include natural fiber composites, materials selection, and concurrent engineering. To date Prof. Sapuan has authored or co-authored more than 1300 publications international journals (629 papers), books (17), edited books (13), chapters in books (91) and conference proceedings/seminars (597 papers). Muhd Ridzuan Mansor Senior Lecturer, Department of Automotive, Universiti Teknikal Malaysai Melaka M.R. Mansor holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in concurrent design of biocomposites product. He is currently a senior lecturer at Department of Automotive, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka. He has published more than 10 book chapters, 45 journals, and 50 technical proceedings as main and co-authors, mostly focusing on the area of product design, materials selection, life cycle assessment, biocomposites materials, and materials characterization. He has also published a book project on concurrent design of natural fiber composite product.