Muhammad H Rashid Author & Editor

Muhammad H. Rashid is a professor (and past director, 1997−2007) of electrical and computer engineering at the University of West Florida. Dr. Rashid received his BSc degree in electrical engineering from the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, and his MSc and PhD degrees from the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom. He has worked around the world as a professor of electrical engineering Dr. Rashid is actively involved in teaching, researching, and lecturing in power electronics. He has published 17 books and more than 140 technical papers. His books are adopted as textbooks all over the world. In addition, He has been invited by many foreign governments and agencies to give keynote lectures and consulted by foreign universities to serve as an external examiner for undergraduate, master’s degree, and PhD examinations, by funding agencies to review research proposals, and by U.S. and foreign universities to evaluate promotion cases for professorship. Among his many awards, Dr. Rashid has received the Outstanding Engineer Award from The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the IEEE Educational Activity Award (EAB) for Meritorious Achievement Award in Continuing Education, and the IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award.